Monday, March 14, 2011

Decisions in Paradise

Just a little note to let you know whats going on in our heads at the

moment. We will just keep this amongst ourselves until a decision is

reached ...

We are going to sail towards Bandaras Bay (Puerto Vallarta and La Cruz

area) late today or early tomorrow. Should be there Tuesday sometime.

Merle says:  *OK so IMPORTANTE Decision Time *

I have a applic in ar the Capital POwer gas plant in WL, inside line,

porbably have to promise to do a instrument apprenticeship too. $$35 per

hour two weeks holidays 100k per year MTB, enduro, backcountry with the

bros, kids learn to rip the mountains, etc


I do marine elect in Puerto vallarta unkown revenue 50 to 100 per hour and

Allison does yacht tending during the summers here for 130 per monthe each

yacht (approx) live in La Cruz kids go to spanish school and we sweat out

a 35 deg summer on the beach sail lasers and soccer and such

The more I think about it the harder it gets ...

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